Archive Mode. Call January | 12th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 2/1/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Somewhere in Northern California, close to the Sierra Mountains, and obviously by a great lake!
A tad large to do "en plein air", but some subjects almost demand it!
Entirely created "en plein air"...unlike many who take their plein air "studies" to the studio and do a larger creation, and still call it "plein air". My passion for truth, includes calling something by the correct name: be it "plein air" or "studio painting". If ever I do something in the studio, it will never be more than maybe 20 minutes, to do a "touch up". THIS KIND OF COLOR, I cannot make up...but take the gift that NATURE gave me...I will do my best!
And YES, the entire painting was done on my hands and knees! Do not have an easel that large! Only did one mural larger (16 feet longSome scenes just demand to be painted large in order to capture the power and energy that nature sometimes blesses us with! That afternoon got cloudy, and I had to paint REALLY FAST, to get the explosion of clouds capturing the last of what that day had to!