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Roll With It

Roll With It, Water
Roll With It
The sun glistening on rolling foam and beaming a spring green glow near the wave crest drew me to paint this scene. I captured this wave scene on camera while strolling the shores of Laguna Beach, California. There was great potential with this subject but cropping and adjusting a few key elements to enhance the composition were key. My process involves developing a small full color study in oil before painting it large to work out values, color and composition. I begin with a light, warm, burnt umber and cadmium orange wash over my panel then block in the composition/shapes using values of these same colors. Once I'm happy with this, a layering of thin dark to light values/colors is applied using a variety of tools. My favorite being the palette knife. Spending time outdoors is where I'm most happy. I find peace, joy and a filling of my soul in God's glorious creation. Coastal beaches are one of my favorite subjects to paint so I travel there a few times a year to en plein air paint and gather inspiration for studio paintings.

Water    24 x 24 x 1